2. Privacy policy

Privacy policy


制定年月日 202441

最終改正年月日 202441


代表取締役 大島 健司













水道テクニカルサービス株式会社  個人情報問合せ窓口

241-0821 神奈川県横浜市旭区二俣川1丁目45-45 大髙ビル3F

























〒241-0821 神奈川県横浜市旭区二俣川1丁目45-45 大髙ビル3F

代表取締役  大島 健司


管理者名:大島 健司




















水道テクニカルサービス株式会社  個人情報問合せ窓口

241-0821 神奈川県横浜市旭区二俣川1丁目45-45 大髙ビル3F

























Personal Information Protection Policy

Date of establishment: April 1, 2024

Date of last revision: April 1, 2024

Suido Technical Services Co., Ltd.

Representative Director: Oshima Kenji


We fully recognize our social mission regarding the protection of all personal information handled by our company and comply with the protection of the rights of individuals and laws and regulations regarding personal information. In addition, we hereby declare that we will build a personal information protection management system to embody the policy shown below and will work on its continuous improvement as a company, while always being aware of the latest trends in IT technology, changes in social demand, and fluctuations in the business environment.

 a) Personal information will be acquired, used, and provided only to the extent necessary for our legitimate business operations in leak investigation work, as well as for the employment and personnel management of employees, and will not be handled (unintended use) beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use. In addition, we will take measures to prevent unintended use.

 b) We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection, guidelines established by the government, and other norms.

 c) We will take reasonable safety measures to prevent the risk of leakage, loss, damage, etc. of personal information, and will continuously improve the personal information security system by investing management resources that are in line with the actual business situation. In addition, if we determine that there is a problem with personal information protection, we will promptly take corrective measures.

 d) We will respond promptly, sincerely, and appropriately to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.

 e) We will review the personal information protection management system in a timely and appropriate manner, considering changes in the environment surrounding our company, and will continuously promote its improvement.

 The end.


For inquiries regarding the personal information protection policy, please contact the following counter.

Suido Technical Service Co., Ltd. Personal Information Inquiry Counter

3F Otaka Building, 1-45-45 Futamatagawa, Asahi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, 241-0821

Email: sts@suidou-tec.co.jp

Public Statement Regarding Personal Information

■About handling of personal information

1.Purpose of use of personal information handled by our company

(1) Purpose of use of personal information obtained directly from the individual in writing (including via website, e-mail, etc.)

Prior to acquisition, the purpose of use will be clearly stated in writing to the individual.

(2) Purpose of use of personal information obtained by means other than those mentioned above


Purpose of utilization

Individual customer information

To manage your usage history

To respond to inquiries

Business contact Information

To confirm order details (communication records, etc.)

Personal information entrusted to us by our customers in connection with the commissioning of business

To properly carry out the entrusted business



■ Notification of matters related to retained personal data

Regarding retained personal data or records of third-party provision held by our company, requests from the person in question or their representative to notify the purpose of use, disclose, correct, add or delete content, suspend use, erase, and suspend provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "requests for disclosure, etc.") will be handled in the following manner.

a) Name of business operator
Suido Technical Services Co., Ltd.
3F Otaka Building, 1-45-45 Futamatagawa, Asahi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0821
Representative Director Oshima Kenji

b) Personal information protection manager
Manager name: Oshima Kenji
Position: Representative Director
Contact: sts@suidou-tec.co.jp

c) Purpose of use of all held personal data


Purpose of utilization

Individual customer information

For user support

To manage usage history

To provide information about our services

To respond to inquiries

Business contact Information

To confirm order details (communication records, etc.)

Our Employee Information

For employee personnel management, work management, health management, and security management

Information on job applicants to our company

To contact job applicants and manage our recruitment operations

Specific personal information

For purposes of use as stipulated in the Number Usage Act

d) Contact for complaints regarding the handling of retained personal data
Suido Technical Service Co., Ltd. Personal information inquiry desk
3F Otaka Building, 1-45-45 Futamatagawa, Asahi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0821
Tel: +81-45-360-9220

e) Certified personal information protection organization
Currently, there is no certified personal information protection organization to which our company belongs.

f) Procedure for responding to requests for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data or records of third-party provision

1) Contact for requests for disclosure, etc.
Please contact the above personal information inquiry desk for requests for disclosure, etc.
*If you wish to request disclosure, etc. via electromagnetic procedures, please let us know. In principle, we will respond according to your request.

2) Procedure for requests for disclosure, etc.
①After receiving your request, we will mail you the designated request form, the "Request for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data".
②Please mail the completed request form, a document verifying your identity as an agent if you are requesting through an agent, and a postal money order for the fee (only for requests for notification of purpose of use and disclosure) to the above personal information inquiry desk.
③After receiving the invoice, we will ask you for about two items of personal information registered with us that can be used to verify your identity (e.g., telephone number and date of birth, etc.).
④In principle, responses will be sent in writing (by sealed mail) to the individual.

3) In the case of a request by an agent, documents verifying the agent's identity
If the person requesting disclosure, etc. is an agent, please enclose documents verifying the agent's identity and documents verifying the agent himself/herself. Please limit the registered domicile information included in each document to the prefecture, and black out any subsequent information, etc. Furthermore, please send documents that do not include personal numbers, or black out all digits, etc.

① Documents to prove the identity of the agent
<If the agent is a legal representative of a minor>
Power of attorney from the individual (original)
<If the agent is a legal representative of a minor>
Copy of one of the following
Certificate of family register
Resident's card (with the relationship listed)
Another official document that can confirm the legal representative
<If the agent is a legal representative of an adult ward>
Copy of one of the following
Certificate of registration details related to guardianship registration
Another official document that can confirm the legal representative

② Documents to prove the agent
Driver's license
Health insurance certificate (please submit with all digits of the insured person's code and number blacked out)
Resident's card

4) Fee for notification of purpose of use or request for disclosure
1,000 yen per request
(If you make a request in writing, please enclose a postal money order with the invoice you send us. If you make a request by other method, we will consult with you at the time of the request.)

g) Measures taken to safely manage the personal data held

1) Establishment of basic policy
To ensure the proper handling of retained personal data, we have established a "Personal Information Protection Policy" regarding "Compliance with relevant laws and guidelines" and "Contact point for handling questions and complaints".

2) Establishment of rules for handling retained personal data
For retained personal data, we have established personal information protection regulations regarding the handling method, responsible person and their duties for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc. 

3) Organizational safety control measures
① We have appointed a person responsible for handling retained personal data, clarified the employees who handle retained personal data and the scope of retained personal data handled by said employees, and established a reporting and contact system to the person responsible in the event of finding facts or signs of violation of laws or handling regulations.
② We regularly conduct self-inspections of the handling status of retained personal data, and conduct audits by other departments and external parties.

4) Personnel safety control measures
① We regularly train employees on points to note regarding the handling of retained personal data.
② All employees are required to submit a confidentiality pledge including retained personal data.

5) Physical security control measures
① In areas where retained personal data is handled, we manage employee entry and exit, and restrict the devices brought in, and take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing retained personal data.
② We take measures to prevent theft or loss of devices, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle retained personal data and take measures to prevent retained personal data from being easily identified when carrying such devices, electronic media, etc., including when moving around the workplace. 

6) Technical security control measures
① We implement access control to limit the personnel in charge and the scope of the personal information database, etc. that is handled.
② We have introduced a mechanism to protect information systems that handle retained personal data from unauthorized access from outside or malicious software.

The end